Top 5 Signs a Narcissist Wants Your Attention Now

Illustration of a person surrounded by a spotlight, symbolizing a narcissist's desire for attention.


Have you ever come across someone who loves to over roast or is always center stage? It could in fact be that you are dealing with a narcissist. Knowing when a narcissist is hungry will spare you a lot of anxiety because after that, they get easily irritated. Now let us explore five signs that a narcissist needs your attention at the moment.

Understanding Narcissism

Well armed with this knowledge, what then is narcissism? It can be defined as a preoccupation with oneself and disinterest in the feelings of other people. Narcissists may exude exaggerated feelings of their own importance, they require the endearment and praise and they do not value other people’s feelings.

Why Narcissists Seek Attention?

Self-promoters require attention from other people because such stimuli meet their need to feel important and grandiose. They may feel that they are of no importance and this is something they cannot endure hence the need to be constantly admired. This lack of attention seeks its root in their insecurity and in a desire to be the ones to decide what happens to them with everyone around them.

Sign 1: Excessive Flattery and Compliments

Narcissistic attention pent- up can be depicted by the following indicators: One of them is flattering. They will say so many sweet things to you that you will think they are exaggerating. But watch out for it, maybe, they don’t really think you are as great as you are; they are just trying to use you to get what they want. While compliments that people receive are usually accurate, timely, and infrequent, a narcissist’s praises are often recurrent and vague.

Sign 2: Grandiose Behaviour

This is a great commonality for persons with high level of narcissism, where they need to attract attention by their grandiosity. Learners might lie about all the things they have accomplished, the special skills they possess, or invent a reality that is completely different than the real one. It is a number of grandiosity that makes them the focus and guarantees your view of them as superior.

Sign 3: Playing the Victim

The other usual strategy is what is known as moving goalposts or more precisely playing the victim. Narcissists manipulate events to get into a position where people will pity them or feel sorry for them. Identifying this behavior means focusing not on their words, but on the game that is being played.

Sign 4: Creating Drama

Drama is probably one of the biggest centers of narcissism that can be found in today’s world. Patients find it easier to relate to them since they relish in discord; they might even fabricate conflict in order to become the center of attention. They engage in things like starting arguments, gossip, making scenes among others in order to be the focus of attention. If one has to communicate with a narcissist, one has to avoid getting angry and getting immersed in the drama.

Sign 5: Public Displays of Emotion

Narcissists particularly over shows of emotion to a public setting so that they can attract people. This is when you may find them overacting and using high pitch for happiness, anger or even crying when not hurt, all with the aim of attracting attention. It is important to identify these tactics to be able to prevent being a victim of what they do.

How to Respond to a Narcissist Seeking Attention

Well that depends, what do you do with a narcissist that is seeking your attention? The issue is that, once the time is established and the appropriateness of the given media, the key to success is to follow these limits. Avoid giving in to what they want because they are making a scene. However, quietly and assertively turn the conversation in different direction or leave the place if needed. Safety of the heart should always prevail over every other thing.

The Impact of Attention-Seeking on Relationships

The requirement of consistent attention adversely affects the relationships. Still, in the short run, it may be very tiring and, at times, irksome. , long-term, it creates additional emotional burnout and of potentially toxic connection. People have to learn to set limits and if those limits are violated, they should seek help.

Recognizing When to Seek Help

If the relationship with a narcissist becomes unbearable, it is highly recommended to consult with a psychologist. Some of the signs that may indicate that one may need help include; feeling most of the time drained, anxious or depressed. Counsellors can provide you with ways of responding and come up with means of preserving your psychological health.


It may be difficult to communicate with a narcissist Nonetheless, understanding the indication that a narcissist needs your attention will assist one to avoid defeat particularly when interacting with them. Do not neglect your own psychological barriers and be prepared to tell ‘No’ when necessary and when needed seek for assistance. It is by understanding these tactics that one is in a position to manage the narcissists with striking confidence.


Here are some frequently asked questions about t Narcissism.

How can I tell if someone is a narcissist?

They say look for these personality markers: They include narcissism, or an over-emphasis on praise; sociopathy, or also known as lack of empathy; final pompous behavior. If all these qualities are exhibited, then there is a high likelihood that the fellow is a narcissist.

Is it possible for a narcissist to change?

Therapy is a process of transition for both individual and organization and is not easy; it entails self-attunement and embracing the change which many narcissists cannot embrace. It can happen but quite a few times.

What should I do if a narcissist is affecting my mental health?

Talk to a professional therapist or counselor on the matter. They are able to offer ways to handle situations and shield your mind.

Can narcissists be good friends or partners?

It is rather difficult since they are selfish people. Building healthy relationships includes empathy as well as mutual respect for the other part of a relationship which is usually a problem with the narcissist personalities.

How do I set boundaries with a narcissist?

Be clear and consistent. Do not reinforce aggressive behaviors and consult with professionals if it is hard to manage rules regarding the issue.

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